Here is a long overdue update. I took a trip to Anchorage Alaska to teach a class on dye your ow sock yarn and did a three day retreat the next weekend. What a beautiful setting we had and the weather was perfect. Everyone had so much fun and I can't wait to start getting pictures from some of the ladies that took the class of their finished socks.
My next stop on the trip was Centrailia Washington to see my Son and DIL . the day I arrived they found out they finally found a house and their bid was accepted . I got to go through the house while I was there , all I can say is WOW!!!!!!! It is a BEAUTIFUL house out in the country with a fabulous garage for my son, room for my DIL horse and room for the family they plan on having. They have great neighbors and I think they will love the new home they will make there.
the next and final stop was Richmond California. I went there to meet the wonderful people I have been designing for . The Crystal palace family welcomed me with open arms and hearts. I had a wonderful day with them and have some new ideas and will post pictures of some of the new designs you will be seeing on their web site soon.
I will try to keep posting with more frequency and adding more pictures every now and then so you can get an idea of my travels and my twissted design ideas!!!!!