Well the sho has been open a month. I am still on Pacific time so getting up in the morning is a challenge:( Getting lots of traffic and alot of great reactions. Already have had students for the classes and have several good customers who are also becoming great freinds. I am in a small mini mall and know a lot of the other shop owners and we all get along great so it makes the time go by fast.
I am working on a new sock design out of Cherry Tree Hill's NEW sockittome yarn and several new designs for Crystal Palace( would show you but then Susan wouldn't be suprised when she opens the box) HI Susan(waving with a mischeivous grin on my face)!
Hoping to see some pictures from those who have tried some of the patterns. If you have qeustions or comments about the patterns you can send them to
warmandwildyarns@verizon.net or the shop snail mail is 136 E. Maumee St Adrian, MI 49221.
I hope everyone is having a GREAT summer and getting in some fun knitting projects as well. I will have a few special projects coming up for a new yahoo group ( new_yarns@yahoo .com ) and my Neice who I found out is expecting her first baby in February. since I designed the sweater for her mother I have to design a set for her and the baby.
As always I am having fun and hoping everyone is enjoying the patterns and the new yarns they get to use with them.
Happy Knitting,Nancy